The Revolt and the Savage Years

No one is sure how the Revolt was organized. It is only known that it was coordinated in some fashion as it erupted all over the Occupied part of Anglesey at the same time. It is also known for being extremely savage and ruthless. Native mistresses murdered their Imperial lovers in their sleep, native cooks poisoned entire households; native nannies killed both parents and their children, and, where poison or stealth was not possible, native men, women and children mobbed Imperials with no thought to their own injury or death. Any link to the Empire was killed/destroyed. Any person suspected of using magic was horribly killed. With no towns nor government nor any sort of infrastructure, Anglesey dropped into the 'Savage Years'. Life generally became violent, short, and with no vestiges of civilization. Anglesey was invaded by outside forces, not all of them human. A few isolated places held on to a semblance of settled life and there are stories of folk heroes. But, overall, the Savage Era Anglesey was not only a terrible place to live; but even a normally fatal place to visit....