Lord of the Sea (Murtagh)and Lady of the Waters (Muirgheal)
Areas of Concern:
All water and weather. Murtagh governs the seas and the weather above them. Muirgheal governs fresh water whether flowing through rivers and streams or through the ground. As well, she controls the weather above the land.
Duties of the Priesthood:
These clerics are concerned with all aspects of water and weather.
Thus, clerics of the seas, water, and weather are expected to:
1. Advise and educate those who make their living on/from the waters and to ensure they respect the waters and all of the creatures that live in them.
2. Ensure that all water resources are used properly and not contaminated, etc.
3. Advise and educate those who build near water and how to properly utilize the water as a resource for power, etc.
4. Bring to justice those who abuse the water resources and to restore the waters back to a healthy condition where necessary.
5. Educate and advise people about the weather and intercede where necessary and appropriate with the gods to help lessen the impact on people of storms, etc. Note: Even the most powerful clerics cannot simply dismiss a storm, the energy must go somewhere……
1. Clerics are able to cast “Water Breathing” and “Water Walking” at will. These spells are the same as the 5e rules except: the spell applies to 1 person/level of caster, both last for 1 hour/level of caster, and these spells only apply to water.
2. Clerics are able to cast “Weather Prediction” and “Purify Water” at will.
Cantrip: “Weather Prediction” Casting time: 1 action. Area of Effect (Prediction): range of sight. Components: Reflective surface (pool of water/mirror/etc.) Duration: 1 minute per caster level. The caster of this spell will see what the weather will be in the area that he/she can see from his/her casting point. The prediction is 100% accurate for natural weather and sees 1 day/level of the caster into the future. As the caster gazes into the reflective surface, he/she will see a moving image of what the weather looks like at the rate of 1 day/minute (a 7th level cleric could see 7 days into the future if he/she took 7 minutes to look at the images). Magically influenced weather will cause the image to distort but will give no other information other than the ‘natural weather’ will be magically altered.
Cantrip: “Purify Water” Casting time: 1 action. Area of Effect: 10 gallons per level of caster. Components: the water being purified. Duration: The water remains pure until recontaminated. The caster of this spell removes harmful contaminants from water. Anything that naturally belongs in the water stays in the water (lead would be removed but calcium from the surrounding rocks would remain). In short, the water returns to the state it was in before it was contaminated. Once per day, the caster can choose to alter the spell so it yields safe drinking water (if it does not already – example, a purified spring. Unsafe sources would be salt water and possibly pond/lake/river water where certain microbes are natural but not healthy to humans.)
All water and weather. Murtagh governs the seas and the weather above them. Muirgheal governs fresh water whether flowing through rivers and streams or through the ground. As well, she controls the weather above the land.
Duties of the Priesthood:
These clerics are concerned with all aspects of water and weather.
Thus, clerics of the seas, water, and weather are expected to:
1. Advise and educate those who make their living on/from the waters and to ensure they respect the waters and all of the creatures that live in them.
2. Ensure that all water resources are used properly and not contaminated, etc.
3. Advise and educate those who build near water and how to properly utilize the water as a resource for power, etc.
4. Bring to justice those who abuse the water resources and to restore the waters back to a healthy condition where necessary.
5. Educate and advise people about the weather and intercede where necessary and appropriate with the gods to help lessen the impact on people of storms, etc. Note: Even the most powerful clerics cannot simply dismiss a storm, the energy must go somewhere……
1. Clerics are able to cast “Water Breathing” and “Water Walking” at will. These spells are the same as the 5e rules except: the spell applies to 1 person/level of caster, both last for 1 hour/level of caster, and these spells only apply to water.
2. Clerics are able to cast “Weather Prediction” and “Purify Water” at will.
Cantrip: “Weather Prediction” Casting time: 1 action. Area of Effect (Prediction): range of sight. Components: Reflective surface (pool of water/mirror/etc.) Duration: 1 minute per caster level. The caster of this spell will see what the weather will be in the area that he/she can see from his/her casting point. The prediction is 100% accurate for natural weather and sees 1 day/level of the caster into the future. As the caster gazes into the reflective surface, he/she will see a moving image of what the weather looks like at the rate of 1 day/minute (a 7th level cleric could see 7 days into the future if he/she took 7 minutes to look at the images). Magically influenced weather will cause the image to distort but will give no other information other than the ‘natural weather’ will be magically altered.
Cantrip: “Purify Water” Casting time: 1 action. Area of Effect: 10 gallons per level of caster. Components: the water being purified. Duration: The water remains pure until recontaminated. The caster of this spell removes harmful contaminants from water. Anything that naturally belongs in the water stays in the water (lead would be removed but calcium from the surrounding rocks would remain). In short, the water returns to the state it was in before it was contaminated. Once per day, the caster can choose to alter the spell so it yields safe drinking water (if it does not already – example, a purified spring. Unsafe sources would be salt water and possibly pond/lake/river water where certain microbes are natural but not healthy to humans.)