Imperial Anglesey

Having firmly established their rule and way of life throughout the main island of Anglesey and the surrounding islands, Anglesey has set out to spread its way of life throughout new lands. The Kings of Anglesey have become an established constitutional monarchy with the majority of power in the hands of Parliament. However, the King and his Council remain a potent force and any 'Royal Suggestion' is usually acted upon.
Three recent 'suggestions' that have vastly increased Anglesey's power are the introduction of flintlock muskets, factory production, and the expansion of Anglesey's navy both in numbers and size/firepower. Magic remains a very potent force and the people remain devoted to their Gods (it is hard to not believe when their priests and priestesses demonstrate their power to improve daily life). 'Near human races' (elves, dwarves...) are welcome and the dwarves and gnomes have especially taken to blackpowder.... while the elves continue to be more of a separate and independent entity. Other humanoid races (orcs, goblins, ...) are far less welcome....
Of course, not everyone is happy with these changes - both inside and outside Anglesey. For those inside Anglesey, that includes not only those people who are reluctant to change or feel their interests threatened; but also people who worry about how powerful the 'State' has become in Anglesey. Outside Anglesey, neighbours are understandably nervous. Further afield are presently undiscovered lands that could provide the resources to further fuel Anglesey's rise or demise (and allow the discoverer of those resources plenty of adventure and profit along the way....). The technology now exists to explore the world...
Three recent 'suggestions' that have vastly increased Anglesey's power are the introduction of flintlock muskets, factory production, and the expansion of Anglesey's navy both in numbers and size/firepower. Magic remains a very potent force and the people remain devoted to their Gods (it is hard to not believe when their priests and priestesses demonstrate their power to improve daily life). 'Near human races' (elves, dwarves...) are welcome and the dwarves and gnomes have especially taken to blackpowder.... while the elves continue to be more of a separate and independent entity. Other humanoid races (orcs, goblins, ...) are far less welcome....
Of course, not everyone is happy with these changes - both inside and outside Anglesey. For those inside Anglesey, that includes not only those people who are reluctant to change or feel their interests threatened; but also people who worry about how powerful the 'State' has become in Anglesey. Outside Anglesey, neighbours are understandably nervous. Further afield are presently undiscovered lands that could provide the resources to further fuel Anglesey's rise or demise (and allow the discoverer of those resources plenty of adventure and profit along the way....). The technology now exists to explore the world...